HYDRAULIC BRIDGE - DIY kit for Students
Updated: May 1, 2024
What's the connection between a water pistol and this gigantic crane? On the face of it, no connection at all. But
think about the science behind them and you'll reach a surprising.
water pistols and cranes use the power of moving liquids in a very simila rway. This technology is called hydraulics and it's used to power everything from car brakes and garbage trucks to motor boats teering and garage jacks. Let's take a closer look at how it works!
Hydraulics utilizes liquids through varying pipes and channels to move large amounts of weight. By putting the liquid under pressure, such as in a cylinder, a very small device can lift a large amount of weight. In order to illustrate this, we will design an experimental hydraulic bridge. The science behind hydraulics is called Pascal's principle. The principle stating that external static pressure exerted on a confined fluid is distributed evenly throughout the fluid.
Pressure applied anywhere to a body of fluid causes a force to be transmitted equally in all directions; the force acts at right angles to any surface in contact with the fluid.
Pascal’s principle, also called Pascal’s law, in fluid (gas or liquid) mechanics, statement that, in a fluid at rest in a closed container, a pressure change in one part is transmitted without loss to every portion of the fluid and to the walls of the container. The principle was first enunciated by the French scientist Blaise Pascal. If you've read How Hydraulic Machines Work, you know that the hydraulic bridge is based on a simple concept -- the transmission of forces from point to point through a fluid. Most hydraulic machines use some sort of in compressible fluid, a fluid that is at its maximum density. Oil is the most commonly used in compressible fluid for hydraulic machines, including hydraulic bridge. In a simple hydraulic system, when a piston pushes down on the oil, the oil transmits all of the original force to another piston, which is driven up. To operate, you push in the syringe with water, so that the connected empty syringe moves up the piston... this in turn pushes the wooden stick up. Depending which syringe you push makes that part of the bridge move.
Hydraulics in practice : There are several other areas where hydraulics are applied. They are:
Automobile garage, Petrol pumps, Measuring weights of heavy-lift trucks, Hydraulic cranes, Automobile steering gears, Automobile brake, (disc brakes), Ship's steering gear, Robotics, Aircraft's rudder and other maneuvering systems, Industries and power plants, Servomechanisms and control systems etc.A is a bridge that moves to allow passage (usually) for boats or barges. A draw bridge (or the technical term: bascule bridge)is a move able bridge. They were first used in Egypt 4,000 years ago. They were also used in medieval times with castles, and they stretched across moats. Currently, they are used when a bridge is needed over water, but boats still need to pass. It’s impractical to build a super tall bridge to cover all the possible heights of different boats, so instead bridge architects design a bridge that can move out of the way.
Note :
Make sure there are no leaks between the syringe and the tube connection. Make sure the tubing is long enough - similar length to your Bridge. Your Hydraulic Bridge is ready…. Observe what happens… You can see hydraulics at work in this Bridge. To operate, you push in the syringe with water, so that the connected empty syringe moves up the piston... this in turn pushes the Deck up. Depending which syringe you push make s that part of the Deck moves upward.When you will Pull the Syringe Deck will move down. The Pascal's law states that if pressure is applied at any one point in an enclosed liquid, that pressure is equally transmitted in all directions within the liquid. Hydraulic systems use a in compressible fluid,such as oil or water, to transmit forces from one location to another within the fluid. Hydraulics utilizes liquids through varying pipes and channels to move large amounts of weight. We have used Flexible pipes and Cylinder (Syringe). When we push the Syringe, it pressurizes the water in the Syringe and lifts the Deck (which is heavy in weight).