ARCHIMEDES' SCREW - DIY kit for Students
Updated: May 1, 2024
The name itself gives us an idea that it is invented by Archimedes. Now this man – Archimedes,was an Ancient Greek mathematician, engineer, inventor,physicist, & an astronomer(such a smart ass). We are living in 21st century & still we are not able to think stuff like this on our own & this man did it in the 3rd century BC !!!!! Archimedes was a Greek philosopher who lived from c. 287 – c. 212 BC. Some of the discoveries that he is known for are his work with levers, calculating an accurateest imate of pi, and using a screw to lift water. The Archimedes’ screw is still used today to pump liquids and even some solids.We already discussed one of his works – buoyancy & we saw how do ships float? So the Archimedeanscrew OR screw pump is just a simple machine consisting a cylinder &a helical surfaceon the inside part of cylinder. Basically, it was designed to work like a pump &it worked without any of our presently available motors which we use to run today’s pumps. The screw was used mostly for draining water out of mines or other areas of low lying water. Archimedes was a Greek philosopher who lived from c. 287 – c. 212 BC. Some of the discoveries that he is known for are his work with levers, calculating an accuratees timate of pi, and using a screw to lift water. The Archimedes’ screw is still used today to pump liquids and even some solids.
Material · A piece of PVC pipe · Plastic tubing,1/4 inch insidediameter · Cable Tie. · Rubber Cut Round · Steel Rod as RotatingShaft · C Bracketas Base Structure · Water · A bowl (Not Included) · A glass(Not Included)
The screw pump consists of a screw ora helical structure inside ahollow pipe. The screw is turned through a handle which is outside the cylinder. As the shaft turns, the bottom end scoops up a volume of water. The water then gets pushed out up by the rotating he licoid until it pours out from the top of the tube & done just so simple.
Why it was made ? – the first purpose was to transfer the water from low lying region toother parts of the city. Along with transferring water to irrigation ditches, the device was also used for draining land that was underneath the sea in the Netherlands and other places in the creation of polders.
It is an Archimedean screw contained in a tube & turned by a motor so as to deliver material from one end to other end. It is particularly used for transporting granular materials such as plastic granules used in injection molding and cereal grains
If water is poured into the top of Archimedes’s screw, it forces the screw to rotate. The rotating shaft can then be used to drive an electric generator.